Please check out this great documentary on HAM radio produced by students from the School of Visual and Media Arts program at the University of Montana in 2022. Aired on Montana PBS on November 24th, 2022.
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I always like the MD-9600 as a radio but disliked the firmware. Therefor I got really excited that I read that OpenGD77 got ported to this radio. I started with a v2 hardware radio and installed the Alpha version that got released early march. Without any expectations (as it was an alpha version firmware) I was very very impressed.
I was so impressed I searched for a v5 firmware radio which I got a couple of weeks ago (after long long searching). Not having had much time I got to unpack the radio for installation of the OpenGD77 firmware.
To my surprise I learned last night the first beta-build was available already. It took me 20 minutes or so to install the firmware and load the OpenGD77 codeplug and contact list.
All information on the OpenGD77 firmware for the MD9600 can be found here:
Someone made a very nice overview on the mapping of keypad controls (OpenGD77-MD9600).
Overall I’m really excited about this firmware – I love the OpenGD77 codeplug editor, and now the MD9600 is a true HAM Radio DMR radio. I use it in my shack as a fixed station radio only.
After a long period of alignment and working on the non-US 501(c)(3) equivalency determination, DARC is now finally non-US 501(c)(3) equivalent and able to receive grants from the ARDC Foundation.
after I installed 2 Diamond X5000 antennas on my roof and I played a bit with my 23cm transverter from SG-Lab ( ) I wanted a dedicated 23cm FM transceiver. On E-bay there was no real offering and the Kenwood (tm741) I got from a friend unfortunately died (controller) before I could even test it ;-).
So I found the 23cm NBFM TRX project from Bas PE1JPD from Holland:
This is a really nice kit for a very good price ( €157 )and I decided to order it. Very well packaged I received the kit very quickly and Bas even added an additional PCB which takes the display, mic connector and all other switches and buttons (for mounting behind the front display) – this saves wiring.
So today (01.06.2019) I got both the receiver and transmitter working correctly and I tested succesfully on a couple of 23cm relais in the region. So the following is open:
tune the PA to get ~ 1W output
add a 1750 Hz tonegenerator
replace the linear pot with a log pot – DONE
replace the BC547 with a BS170 (and a 100k resistor) – DONE
Build everything into a nice case
Build a 23cm PA (I would like >10W output)
The kitSMD components installedFirst non-SMD components installedMost PA components and RF-Chokes (3 windings on 5mm drill)Nearly done!
Tips and Tricks:
Dont follow the BOM from the 4.0 documentation. Build the kit from the schema – the BOM is not completely updated.
When ordering this kit, also follow the AO92 update – this is the updated PLL, installs the 3,3v voltage regulater etc.
From the above link, the text ” remove R29 and connect C43/R29 to +5V via a resistor of 1k. ” is wrong. Connecting the 5v through a 1k resistor drops the Vp to the PLL to approx. 4,5 volt, which prevents you to cover the whole band up to 1300mhz for transmit. With 4,5v you can only tune up to 1282mhz. So connect the 5v without the 1k resistor.
The MAR-8 is hard to get, the successor is the MAR-8A which operates on a lowered voltage, 3,5v instead of 7v. If using the MAR-8A instead of MAR-8 you need to increase the values of the two bias resistors R2 and R33 from 150ohm to 270ohm.
A lot of other good tips, tricks and modifications are found here: