Yaesu FTM-400D Repair

I had my eye on a FTM-400D for a while now as a friend of mine had one installed in his car and I liked the “real” dual-band, the display and the fact it has an 9k6 connection.
As they are not for sale anymore, I was able to buy a used and defect one from Ebay. The fault description was pretty clear, and I was 90% sure it were the finals that shorted the radio. So I bought it for a reasonable price, got it delivered today. Initially it didnt turn on, but after I removed the finals dual-mosfet (a RD70HUF2) it turned on and worked perfectly fine.

So as I’m waiting to get my new finals chip deliverd I though I share some pictures of the repair thats ongoing. Thanks to the guys from Funk24 for having this part on stock and for the fast shipping!

Great feedback for Heinz HB9EKH who wrote an amazing report on how to repair such a faulty FTM-400:


Here are my own first pictures:

Update: the new RD70HUF2 arrived and I finished the radio repair:

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